Theaters set, shows and concerts

MVDECOR also paints sets for theaters and events to respond to the demand of many directors and scenographers.
Very various technics are therefore employed due to the huge size of these projects.

References – Theatre play set for:

Directors : David Lynch, John Malkovich, Bernard Murat, Robert Hossein, Olivier Dahan, Alfredo Arias, Didier Long, Anne Bourgeois, Jean-Michel Ribes, Francis Veber, Laurent Ruquier, Jean-Louis Benoit, Lisa Wurmser, Julien Sibre, Marcel Maréchal, Marion Bierry,…

Scenographers / Set designers: Nicolas Sire, Roberto Platé, Pace, Charly Mangel, Jean Haas, Edouard Laug, Alain Chambon, Philippe Berry, Bernard Fau, Catherine Bluhval, Christian Vallat, Daniel Rosier, Denis Tisseraud, Dick Bird, Eric Soyer, Jacques Gabel, Jacques Voisot, Jean-Pierre Laroche, Juliette Azzopardi, Stéphanie Jarre, Emmanuel Charles, Pierre-Yves Leprince, Pierre-Francois Limbosch, Alain Lagarde,…